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Privacy Policy
Adaware Software (7270356 Canada Inc.) is the operator of the Adaware products suites and related services (the “Company”, ”we” or “us”). We respect your privacy rights and we are committed to protecting them. This privacy policy (“Privacy Policy” or simply “policy”) governs our products, services and websites that link to this Privacy Policy, and describes our practices of processing data from you. By “you”, we refer to either or all of the following: (i) visitors to our websites that links to this Privacy Policy (“Visitor” and “Website”, respectively); (ii) our customers using our software products and Services (“User”); and (c) a business customer, a business partner that has a contractual relationship with us or a prospective customer that is yet to be engaged in a contract with us (“Business Customer”). Unless explicitly mentioned otherwise, the information in this Privacy Policy refers to any and all data subject types (“you” or “your’).
For the purpose of this policy, the “Service(s)” shall include any software licensed by the Company, including features offered by or within the installed software or additional software scripts available therein (either downloaded from one of our websites, pre-installed on your device, downloaded through a third party website, obtained on a physical medium, or otherwise), or services provided through and/or on top such software, services offered on our websites, communication forums, support services, account operation, updates, enhancements, new features, premium support, extended guarantees, online version and free versions of a software or additional services or features as we ay make available from time to time.
If you are a California resident, please also see our CCPA Notice.